Monday, March 11, 2013

Turkey Buzzards(?) Hawks(?) at Diving-Playing in the Wind

This was quite a treat for me. I had noticed when I turned the corner all these huge birds practicing (or playing) in the wind their free fall, their flying around and at each other. 
At the end of the street in the Club House yard, there they all were. . . Turkey Buzzards, Hawks?? Do not know the tribe, but there they are in a huddle . . . Who will go first?

 And look, here they are lined up, ready to go. . ..
 Wait, it's my turn!!  Nope you lost your turn. . . .
 It was a bit difficult to catch them in flight, but as you can see, they are enjoying their day of playing in the wind.
I have never seen anything like this. I didn't know birds play. . other than swimming,  eating and sunning/napping at the Bridge/Canal.

What a beautiful surprise on a wonderful Sunday afternoon. I love finding different things on all my daily walks. It is truly a blessing.

Life doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger.

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