Thursday, February 28, 2013


The 2 ducklings I saw on Tuesday were very light in color. 

Both were following mama this time. Notice the V mama makes in the water.
Today, there was one duckling, however, he's a bit darker. I do not believe they could have changed that much in a few days. At least that is my hope.

 Mama is ever watchful of her baby. The baby was constantly moving some of the pics are as fuzzy as he is. . . or maybe it's because he IS fuzzy.

My walk was fun and productive as always.  .  . it is cooling off quite a bit here. Possibly 30s by Sunday. Wherever you are, you may not think that temp as anything but warm, to us with no furnace, it is cold.
"Too many of us r not living our dreams because we are living our fears."-Les Brown

1 comment:

  1. Are baby birds just the cutest things? I am enjoying my fluff balls. :)
