Thursday, March 31, 2016

Clouds and Baby Doll Basket

Clouds before church last night.
 Baby Doll basket for the nursing home.
 2 more baby dolls completed yesterday.
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."  the Little Prince

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Clouds and Trees. . .Raindrops

Horrific lightening storm early morning.
As soon as I heard it, I closed the windows.
Good thing I did, I would have had raindrops on my floor. 
 After the storm and an hours sleep:
 . . more clouds
 . . and more clouds.
 Every direction there are clouds.
 My little tree survived. She's survived at least 25 years, 
she belonged to my late fiancé. 
 Pretty Palm tree. . . and her close up.
You lose 100 percent of the chances you don’t take.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sunrise, Moon, Trees, Clouds, Ibis and Canal Reflections

Moon and tree.
 Moon is 70 percent full.
 Sunrise at Canal.
 Canal cloud and tree reflections.
 Ibis debugging.
 3 Ibis debugging.
 A few clouds around.
 This mushroom caught my eye.
 Definitely a Feather Cloud.
 My first shot (first pic) above and my last shot below.
Find out who you are and do it on purpose. ~ Dolly Parton

Monday, March 28, 2016

Moon, Clouds, Sunrise, Alligator, Turtles, Gackles, Ducks and Yesterday Clouds

First stepped out, the moon and some clouds to the West.
 Moon, Clouds and Tree.
 Sunrise to the East.
Sunrise at the Canal.
 Two Gacles and the canal reflections.
 Alligator is back. . .in his pipe.
 Alligator and Tree reflections.
 Alligator Closeup.
4 Turtles. . .baby on mamas back.
2 Ducks across the street.
Canal reflections.
Cactus in bloom and trees.
 Tree Row. . .for this community.
My community took all trees out and we are stifling in the summer.
Backyard trees in this community.
 Sunshine and clouds.
 More sun kicking off her cloud covers.

Yesterday. . . .So many different clouds. . . the sun is behind Clouds.
 Blue skies and white clouds. . .
 . . .in any direction you look.
87 degrees yesterday. . . too hot to think already.
If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. ~ Dolly Parton

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

He is Risen.

When God solves our problems, we have faith in HIS abilities. When He doesn't solve our problems, He has faith in our abilities.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Moon, Clouds, Squirrel and Sunrise

Moon and Clouds
 Sky is getting lighter. . . Moon, Clouds, Trees.
 Sunrise turning the clouds red.
 Pink clouds.
 Sun shining through clouds to make face.
 Ibis in their usual Sat. morning spot on the light.
 Moon and Clouds
 Moon, Cloud and Palm . . sky much brighter.
 Squirrel on the bench.
 Hummmm. . .what's that.
Are you Sure you forgot Breakfast?
Sunrise finally.
As a Humming bird goes all over; if you do this too, you’ll end up where you are suppose to be. Elizabeth Gilbert